Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Tournament Checklist

Something I thought might be a useful resource for new (and not so new!) players is the checklist I use when packing my gear to go to a tournament. You don't want to be the person who turns up without the thing that might enable you to win! So here it is with a few explanatory comments, at the bottom there's a PDF you can print and tick off as you pack.

Bases and Pegs
Pilot and Upgrade Cards
Movement templates
Range Rulers
Damage Deck
 - Sure, these all seem obvious, but people do turn up without them...
Id / Number tokens
Obstacle tokens
  • Focus
  • Evade
  • Target Lock
  • Force
  • Shields
  • Stress
  • Strain
  • Deplete
  • Crit
  • Charge
  • Ion
  • Disarm
  • Tractor
  • Jam
  • Bomb
  • Cloak
  • Turret Indicators
 - You might need some or all of these depending on your list, but these can also depend on your opponents lists and the crits you pull. My advice: take the lot. NB: Under Bombs I also count other droppable items like Mines, Rigged Cargo Chutes and remotes e.g. Buzz Droids.

2 printed copies of your list
 - One to hand in to the TO, one for your opponents to read.
 - For writing down your results. Actually, bring two pens because someone will inevitably borrow yours and then walk off with it...
Laser line
 - For checking arcs. Most people seem to use the Army Painter one which you can pick up at any good FLGS.
 - Just to make it easier to move all your kit between tables. I use one of these.

Other Games Modes
For other game modes, you might need extra tokens.

Aces High:

  • Victory tokens
  • Hyperspace markers

Optional (but useful)
Printed copy of the Rules Reference and Tournament Regs
Spare Bases and Pegs
Glue / Blu tack / Tape
 - For running repairs on your ships.

Tournament Checklist

All glory to the Emperor!

Unconventional Warfare

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