Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Space Confiture

So I was hoping to have been writing this on the Eurostar on my way back from the Paris System Open (assuming I'd had a result I was prepared to share...). For obvious reasons, that hasn't happened with the Open currently being put back to the end of August. But there was another round of GSP's Space Jam series this weekend, which I played in.

After last time's escapades in which the TIE v1 demonstrated how squishy it can be, I've changed things up a little bit and swapped in a TIE x1, so my new list becomes:

Imperial 5s
Rexler Brath
 - Juke
 - FCS
Maarek Stele
 - Marksmanship
 - FCS
 - Afterburners
Grand Inquisitor
 - FCS

Having completely forgotten the existence of Foresight for the whole of the last tournament, I've dropped it from the Inquisitor. I've played Maarek a lot in the last 12 months, and Marksmanship let him double-dip his ability. Afterburners - well, 192 points is probably too deep a bid for my taste, and I've just watched this episode of Veteran Instincts so I'm hoping to use it as a get-out-of-jail card.

Game 1 - William Herbert
Lieutenant Bastian
 - Integrated S-foils
Temmin Wexley
 - Heroic
 - Integrated S-foils
Jessika Pava
 - BB Astromech
 - Integrated S-foils
Red Squadron Expert
 - Heroic
 - Integrated S-foils

William set up in a block of four, so I set up with Maarek and the Inquisitor going for a joust with Rexler moving up the middle of the table to turn in and flank. In the first turn of shooting, Maarek was perfectly lined up to get a crit in on Bastian with Marksmanship; however the Inquisitor and Rexler both missed their shots so when Maarek hit, all he was able to do was strip Bastian's shields. A big opportunity missed to get an early kill. Next turn I went for a risky K-turn with Rexler and subsequently got blocked, leaving him both without a shot and slightly closer to the board edge than I like to be, but the Inquisitor and Maarek both made shots on Bastian and he died, however Temmin took the Inquisitor's shields. With Bastian down I picked out Jess as the next target and started directing fire her way, however with pointing the wrong way I only got a couple of hits on Jess and one on the Red Squadron Vet. In the final turn, Temmin ran away, but I finally had all my ships lined up and Jess died.
Win 101-27.

Game 2 - Illy
Anakin Skywalker
 - R2 Astromech
 - Delta-7B
 - Hull Upgrade
Gold Squadron Trooper
Gold Squadron Trooper
Gold Squadron Trooper
Gold Squadron Trooper

As we started this game, I picked out Anakin as the one to kill, then allowing me to PS-kill the Torrents. We got partway through moving ships in turn 2, when disaster struck and Illy lost his internet! I hopped over to speak to the judges and find out what to do, and they advised me to give him ten minutes to get back on. I had a great chat with Dee from the judging team while we waited (and I want to give a big shout out to the judges here after I learned Dee was judging from LA in the middle of his night), and fortunately Illy was able to reconnect about 30 seconds before he would have forfeited the game. And he then proceeded to absolutely school me. My local meta doesn't have many (read: any) Torrents, and it showed, as they ripped me up. As consolation, I got two of them in the end so didn't get completely whitewashed, but I felt comprehensively outplayed and having the extra ten minutes of the game would have made no difference.
Loss 68-200.

Game 3 - Matthew Johnson
Fifth Brother
 - Hate
 - Fire-Control System
 - Homing Missiles
Grand Inquisitor
 - Hate
 - Fire-Control System
 - Homing Missiles
Darth Vader
 - Hate
 - Fire-Control System
 - Afterburners

I prioritised Fifth Brother so as not to face the hit-crit combination from his ability, but it took me longer than it should have to kill him and in the meantime I took a beating from Vader and his Inquisitor. Once I'd killed Fifth Brother, however, I was left with a good position on Vader, and something strange happened; Vader blanked out on his defence dice. Twice. No more Vader, but it proved to be too late and my remaining ships were killed by the Inquisitor.
Loss 127-200.

Game 4 - Chris Warren
 - Heroic
 - Rose Tico
 - Finn
 - Deadman's Switch
 - Rey's Millennium Falcon
Colossus Station Mechanic
 - Deadman's Switch
Colossus Station Mechanic
 - Deadman's Switch
Colossus Station Mechanic
 - Deadman's Switch
Colossus Station Mechanic
 - Deadman's Switch

Chris' Fireballs came at me first with the Falcon trailing, and as we went into the first tun of shooting I was conscious that I wanted/needed to take out at least one of them before any of them could fire back. And once again my plans came to nothing, I left one Fireball with one health but not dead. And in return my Inquisitor was reduced to one hull. I ran my Inquisitor away and began putting hits into the Falcon from Rexler and Maarek. Two turns later, I was in a position where I could zoom forward with Rexler to get a great shot on the Falcon, but I had to take range 1 fire from all the Fireballs. I figured with three green dice I'd be OK, and I reduced the Falcon to one hull remaining; and Rexler was also reduced to one hull. The next turn Rexler K-turned, giving him a range 1 shot on Chewbacca, which I took, having completely forgotten about the Deadman's Switch. So Rexler died, and so did the one-health Fireball, which in a chain reaction then took out Maarek. So I was left with a one-health Inquisitor to close out the game. I played cagey for a couple of turns, as I did so I spotted I had a target lock on one of the remaining Fireballs that I'd forgotten about, and it only needed one hit for me to get half points on it. I wasn't sure what the points status was, but I knew that half points was potentially important. I slooped in behind the locked Fireball, and got three hits on it leaving it on one hull. So not only half  points but a good chance at full points. Going into the last turn, the Fireball slooped to point its' guns towards me, and I banked to follow it; I fired and killed it, and I was outside range 1 so avoided the Deadman's Switch damage; I then evaded incoming fire. Which left us on 171 points each and going into Final Salvo, a first for me. And with two Fireballs left on the board, this meant my two dice facing Chris' four dice; Chris rolled a hit and a focus, and I rolled ... two hits to get the win!
Win 171-171.

Game 5 - Jesper Winström
Anakin Skywalker
 - R2 Astromech
 - Delta-7B
 - Spare Parts Canisters
Obi-Wan Kenobi
 - Calibrated Laser Targeting
Ahsoka Tano
 - C1-10P
 - Calibrated Laser Targeting

After my game with Illy earlier, my heart sank a little bit on seeing Anakin again, especially accompanied by two more Jedi as I find them incredibly frustrating to play against. In the absence, frankly, of a better idea I decided to go for Anakin again with the hope of bringing him down and trying to PS-kill the other two. Setting about this, I signally failed to realise what Chopper brings to the list, being the ability to give out jam tokens, which meant Rexler was unable to get his free Evades. So partway through I turned my fire on Ahsoka, and fortunately for me she died fairly quickly. However all through this I was getting chipped away by the other two. In the end I had Anakin down to half points three times and then he regenned back up, and when time was called Ahsoka was the only points I scored. (I did however have some great chat with Jesper all the way through this game, thanks Jesper!)
Loss 171-53.

Learning Points - was I wrong to focus on Anakin in games 2 and 5? Right now, I don't think so, and I think I'd make the same decision again. What I should have done, however, was appreciate what the other ships brought to the table, both the Torrents and Chopper. It comes under the heading of 'know your enemy'... Similarly, forgetting about Deadman's Switch in game 3 was a basic mistake that I kicked myself for, although I doubt I'm the only one that's been suckered that way. Managing to take it to Final Salvo and then winning was luck, pure and simple, but if I'd kept more of an eye on points and victory conditions maybe I'd have made some different and more informed decisions. And with hindsight, dropping after game 5 was a mistake; I should have played on and gone for a 3-3 result. 

All glory to the Emperor!

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